DigiTransfEd 2025
4th Workshop on Digital Transformation of Education
4th Workshop on Digital Transformation of Education
DigiTransfEd is a peer-reviewed international workshop focusing on the theory and practice of Digital Transformation of Education.
Digital transformation has transformed the world and society and the economy. However, until the COVID-19 pandemic, its impact on education and training was much more limited. The pandemic has demonstrated that having an education and training system which is fit for the digital age is essential. The digitalization of education that occurred during the pandemic prepared all levels of education in Ukraine for work in a war. Digital transformation of the educational process of all levels, branches and directions of training is currently a key issue for research by all scientists in the world. We invite researchers, graduate students, scientists to participate in the seminar dedicated to the global problem of humanity.
DigiTransfEd topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:
Authors are invited to submit full (at least 6 pages) papers
through the CMT
by July 31, 2025.
Submitted papers will be peer-reviewed by two scholars on the basis of technical quality, relevance, originality, significance, and clarity. If necessary, a third, additional reviewer will be involved. The Program Committee will use these reviews to determine which papers will be accepted for presentation at the workshop. The result of the reviewing will be announced to the submitting authors by email, along with reviewer comments, if any.
Proceedings of 4th Workshop on Digital Transformation of Education shall be submitted to CEUR-WS.org for online publication. The publisher reserves the right to reject proceedings submission if in its opinion, or those of its advisers, any papers are considered inappropriate for CEUR-WS.org.
Marc Baaden, CNRS, France
Pablo Garcia Bringas, University of Deusto, Spain
Oleksandr Burov, Institute for Digitalisation of Education of the NAES of Ukraine, Ukraine & University of Vienna, Austria
Nadire Cavus, Near East University, North Cyprus
El-Sayed El-Horbaty, Ain Shams University, Egypt
Ramón Fabregat, University of Girona, Spain
Irina Georgescu, Bucharest University of Economics, Romania
Mustansar Ali Ghazanfar, University of East London, United Kingdom
Anita Goel, University of Delhi, India
Carina Gonzalez, Universidad de La Laguna, Spain
Sven Hartmann, Clausthal University of Technology, Germany
Michail Kalogiannakis, University of Crete, Greece
Yuriy Kondratenko, Petro Mohyla Black Sea State University, Ukraine
Hennadiy Kravtsov, Kherson State University, Ukraine
Francesco Lelli, Tilburg University, Netherlands
Chung-Sheng Li, PwC, United States
Piotr Lipiński, Technical University of Lodz, Poland
Jinwei Liu, Florida A&M University, United States
Alessandra Lumini, University of Bologna, Italy
Maiia Marienko, Institute for Digitalisation of Education of the NAES of Ukraine, Ukraine
Rashid Mehmood, King Abdulaziz University, Saudi Arabia
Iryna Mintii, Institute for Digitalisation of Education of the NAES of Ukraine, Ukraine
Vincenzo Moscato, University of Naples “Federico II”, Italia
Thomas Moser, St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences, Austria
Ranesh Kumar Naha, University of Tasmania, Australia
Stamatios Papadakis, University of Crete, Greece
Michael M. Resch, HLRS, University of Stuttgart, Germany
Nina Rizun, Gdańsk University of Technology, Poland
Abdel-Badeeh M. Salem, Ain Shams University, Egypt
Demetrios Sampson, University of Piraeus, Greece
Antonio Sarasa Cabezuelo, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain
Serhiy Semerikov, Kryvyi Rih State Pedagogical University, Ukraine
Mariya Shyshkina, Institute for Digitalisation of Education of the NAES of Ukraine
Prem Kumar Singh, Gandhi Institute of Technology and Management, India
Oleksandra Sokolyuk, Institute for Digitalisation of Education of the NAES of Ukraine, Ukraine
Andrii Striuk, Kryvyi Rih National University, Ukraine
Daniel Thalmann, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne, Switzerland
Longkai Wu, National Institute of Education, Singapore
Eftim Zdravevski, University Ss Cyril and Methodius, Macedonia
Tetiana Vakaliuk, Zhytomyr Polytechnic State University, Ukraine
Viacheslav Osadchyi, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, Ukraine
Olha Pinchuk, Institute for Digitalisation of Education of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine, Ukraine
Institute for Digitalisation of Education of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
Tetiana Vakaliuk, +380-96-065-3099, tetianavakaliuk@acnsci.org